TV Drama
Silent Witness is a British TV drama based around a group of forensic pathologists and their experiences on the job.
The focus of TV drama opening sequences is
much different to that of films which is clearly
displayed in the opening sequence for Silent
Witness. They clearly convey the main theme
of the show to the audience through the
showing of a skeleton encasing a body's vital
organs as this closely links to the theme of
pathology. There is little focus on the names in
the opening sequence clearly showing that
there is not as much focus in trying to convince
the audience to continue watching the film as
there is in film opening sequences and the
focus is more on creating a clearer idea in the
viewer's mind of what the main themes of the
show are.
Spooks is also a British TV drama based around spies working for MI5 and their experiences and adventures.
much different to that of films which is clearly
displayed in the opening sequence for Silent
Witness. They clearly convey the main theme
of the show to the audience through the
showing of a skeleton encasing a body's vital
organs as this closely links to the theme of
pathology. There is little focus on the names in
the opening sequence clearly showing that
there is not as much focus in trying to convince
the audience to continue watching the film as
there is in film opening sequences and the
focus is more on creating a clearer idea in the
viewer's mind of what the main themes of the
show are.
Spooks is also a British TV drama based around spies working for MI5 and their experiences and adventures.
Spooks has a slightly different opening sequence from Silent Witness as its main emphasis is split between the introduction of the show's main characters and the introduction of the spy theme. They may do this as there are many main characters involved in the show so to avoid any confusion they clarify the main characters from the offset. They also however convey the spy theme to the reader by the way in which the characters are shown engaging in activities associated with the theme. This may not be particularly useful for my film as there are not a multitude of characters involved however some elements may be.
The Wire is an American TV drama based around the Baltimore drug scene as seen through the eyes of the drug dealers and the law enforcement officers.
The opening sequence of The Wire clearly focuses on introducing the theme of drug dealing and corruption to the audience. These opening credits could be considered to be fairly similar to the style of film opening sequences as they introduce not only the actors but those in charge such as producers etc. which is uncommon in TV dramas. The main theme is conveyed to the audience through the displaying of the area in which the show is set including people who appear to be participating in illicit activities such as drug dealing. It also, however, shows the innocent such as children going about their everyday life.
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